Syncwerk – More than file sync
Syncwerk is the motor for a multitude of integrations: Onlinemeetings, online office file editing, team colaboration and much more.

Why Syncwerk
We use BigBlueButton for online meetings.
We have Apps for Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS and Android.
Online file editing
Office files can be edited in our Webapp with our ONLYOFFICE integration.
Multi tenancy
Syncwerk supports multi tenancy.
You can optionally manage users via LDAP/ AD.
Project boards
We plan to integrate Kanban-inspired boards for task or project management.

Online meetings, video conferences & webinars with BigBlueButton
We’ve integrated BigBlueButton with our Webapp. Users can create meeting rooms and start meetings. You can share meetings internally (for example with a group) or create public share links for them.
You can set up and manage as many BBB servers as you’d like with one Syncwerk installation.
Online file editing
Youcan edit office files directly in our Webapp with our ONLYOFFICE integration.
Files can be edited by one user or a team. Files changes by different users are highlighted in different colors to better track changes.

Project and task management boards
We are in the planning stage of implementing a simple project and task management feature for our Webapp.
Our “Boards” will offer Kanban or list style collaborative task creation and management
More Syncwerk features…

Syncwerk Apps
We have Apps for Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS and Android.

Syncwerk has an integrated user management. It’s also possible to manage users via LDAP / AD.

Multi tenancy
Tenant admins can create and new and manage existing users for their tenant